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Fine Motor Skills.


The hand and fingers have many small muscles for movement. Fine motor skills include strength, control, and accuracy in using these muscles. They are vital for daily tasks such as writing, opening a jar, pegging out laundry. Weakness in these skills can affect a child’s ability to use cutlery, write legibly, dress themselves, turn on a hose and other daily activities.


Great Ways to Grow Fine Motor Activity Cards are the perfect 'how to' tool to develop fine motor skills amongst the kids in your lives.

Fine Motor Activity Cards

GST Included
    • 25 double-sided cards in the set
    • 18 amazing fine motor activities
    • QR codes with video & photo demos of all activity
    • Icons to highlight targeted skill
    • Equipment list to get you started
    • Designed for use 'on the go'
    • Brought to life by Occupational Therapy wizards
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